This app is using' general DPA:DPA | Data Processing Addendum
Additional information for Annex 1
App: Assets Owner for Jira
Purposes of processing | Categories of processing | Categories of personal data | Categories of data subjects |
Connecting Jira Servicemanagement Assets with the Profile Menu of each user. | We store Jira Servicemanagement administrator email, api token, as well as a encryption string and visibility settings, exclusively in the Atlassian App Properties and in a AWS DynamoDB instance. We process Data from Jira Servicemanagement:
We do not store this data after processing the data, except this data from the Visibility Settings. | The App does not store any Assets or Information (except into the Atlassian App Properties and in a AWS DynamoDB instance, a email, api token, encryption string and visibility settings). The App processes Data, such as Assets, Asset-Schemas and Asset-Object-Types. |