DPA | Data Processing Addendum
This app is using lovebyte.codes' general DPA:DPA | Data Processing Addendum
Additional information for Annex 1
App: Assets Owner for Jira
Purposes of processing | Categories of processing | Categories of personal data | Categories of data subjects |
Connecting Jira Servicemanagement Assets with the Profile Menu of each user. | We store Jira Servicemanagement administrator email, api token, as well as a encryption string and visibility settings, exclusively in the Atlassian App Properties and in a AWS DynamoDB instance. We process Data from Jira Servicemanagement:
We do not store this data after processing the data, except this data from the Visibility Settings. | The App does not store any Assets or Information (except into the Atlassian App Properties and in a AWS DynamoDB instance, a email, api token, encryption string and visibility settings). The App processes Data, such as Assets, Asset-Schemas and Asset-Object-Types. The Controller must inform the Processor if he processes additional categories of personal data inside Jira or the app.
The Controller must inform the Processor if he processes additional categories of personal data inside Jira or the app. |